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The Evryscope has been operational and fully robotic for one year, and has recorded over 60TB of data. All hardware is operational, and the system has survived lightning strikes, snowstorms and an 8th-magnitude earthquake without any damage!

Our team is currently finishing-off our data analysis pipeline, which performs image calibration, astrometry, source extraction,  light curve building and trend filtering. All results are inserted into our databases within the two minute time before the next exposure is taken, a data rate of 100Mb/sec.

We expect to offer the first high-quality light curves to the general community by the end of 2016.

Funding for the system is provided by the NSF/ATI and NSF/CAREER programs.

Below is a full Evryscope image, stitched together from all cameras.



A zoom into the white box in the image above.


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